Beneath the Soil: Queer Survivor’s e-Zine


Our Purpose

We want to highlight the voices of queer survivors and explore the possibilities of kinship-building among queer survivors. Queer survivor voices need to be heard. “Beneath the Soil” provides a platform where queer survivors can speak openly about these overlapping identities.

Origination: Queer Survivor e-Zine

A collaborative e-Zine featuring artworks from Queer survivors of sexual abuse and violence.

  • Who: queer survivors of all backgrounds, ages, identities, and geographical locations. Prioritizing BIPOC submissions.

  • What: Artistic submissions of ANY medium (writing, drawings, paintings, music, songs, poems, prose, graphic design, time lapses, short films, videos).

Organizing Team: Beth Siegling, Maggie Donovan, Karo Ska

In collaboration with Time To Tell. IG: @timetotellproject