A Collage Exhibit Depicting Survivor Writing
Our Time To Tell writing circles have been a haven for healing and sharing stories from those affected by incest and sexual abuse. Each session our tech moderators and survivor-artists, Beth Siegling, Karo Ska, and Maggie Donovan, create captivating visual collages inspired by the stories shared. We now have a traveling exhibit that showcases fifteen collages enlarged to 12" x 12". The exhibit includes readings from our writing circles.
April was Child Abuse Prevention Month. Many joined us in embracing the transformative power of storytelling and healing through the TTT 2023 Collage Exhibit at these events:
Jan 13, 2024: Dover, New Hampshire, at Danielle Festa’s Aplomb Gallery along with a Writing as Medicine workshop.
May 9, 10, & 11, 2o23: Intertribal Conference on Transforming the Culture of Power: Prevention and Intervention of Sexual, Physical, and Environmental Violence in Native Communities. Deerfield, MA.
April 21, 2o23: Showing at the Art from the Heart 3rd annual art show displaying survivor art at the arts center of the capital region, 265 River Street, Troy NY 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
April 15, 2o23: To accompany a performance of Elaine Crocker’s Yet I Stand performance at the Zion Church of Fredericksburg, 2222 Emancipation Hwy, Fredericksburg VA 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
April 12, 2o23: at The Cabot Performing Arts Center, 286 Cabot St., Beverly, MA 7:00 pm
April 11, 2o23: In support of Senator Joan Lovely’s Legislative Bill Briefing to increase sexual safety for children in public schools at 11:00 am in The Massachusetts State House Rotunda, 24 Beacon St., Boston, MA. The exhibit will be up from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
The Time To Tell Collage Exhibit was on display throughout our three-day May 2023 Intertribal Conference on Transforming the Culture of Power: Prevention and Intervention of Sexual, Physical, and Environmental Violence in Native Communities. Having the Exhibit located in the main conference room served as a survivor art backdrop, enhancing and inspiring our offerings. This placement provided ample opportunities for participant viewing and dialogue between our workshops and presentations. Donna Jenson led a writing circle for participants, which was received with great enthusiasm.
- Strong Oak Lefebvre, E.D., Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition
A collage created by Time To Tell tech moderator Beth Siegling based on the writing of survivors of sexual abuse in a writing circle, with the prompt of Just for Now by Danna Faulds"Just for now, lay down the weight you so patiently bear upon your shoulders."
A collage created by Time To Tell tech moderator Maggie Donovan made of images based on the writing of survivors of sexual abuse a writing circle, with the prompt of Donna's writing on healing journey.
A collage created by Time To Tell tech moderator Karo Ska made of images based on the writing of survivors of sexual abuse a writing circle, with the prompt of Bird Set Free by Sia"I sing for love, I sing for me/ I shout it out like a bird set free."