Time To Tell Online Writing Circles

Since 2008 I have been leading writers’ circles for survivors of sexual abuse and assault wanting to find their voice and use it. My healing path is filled with writing experiences both alone and with others as far back as the mid-1970s. Buried under our traumas there runs a deep wellspring of creativity and joy waiting to be tapped into within a circle of survivors writing together. 

We move in and out of the myriad of emotions and impressions, our experiences have placed within us to find the joy and strength of our true selves. There are threads of common purpose for writing within a supportive group. We catch the undercurrent of our minds, spread it out on the page and see what we make of it to:

  1. broaden self-awareness;

  2. pour out feelings and emotions onto the page;

  3. reclaim or preserve memories of ourselves, people, and events;

  4. sort out thoughts and clarify ideas; and,

  5. reap the wisdom of the unconscious.

We follow a set of group guidelines that holds our space and spirits safely together. For writing circle guidelines, click here.

Writing prompts are offered and participants write within the safe container of the group. We then honor each other’s voices by actively listening to each writer reading what they have just written. This act of listening, to one’s own words as well as each other’s, confirms and affirms that what each narrator has to say is worthy of our undivided attention. And when the narrator gets to hear what has stayed with us from a piece of their writing, they are given the profound message that their voice has been received, heard, and honored. For more about our writing practice, click here.

If you’ve participated in a TTT writing circle before and want to register, click the register button below.

For those new to this process who are interested - let’s set up a time to talk to see if this is the right fit for you. Click here to make a phone appointment with Donna.

Each is limited to six (6) members, and a waiting list will be started once a circle is full. Cost: $200.00 for six sessions every other week. This cost includes a half-hour 1:1 session with Donna Jenson to discuss your writing life. Done online through computers with microphones, audio-only.

Spring 2025 Writing Circles

Saturday 10–12pm: 3/22, 4/5, 4/19, 5/3, 5/17, 5/31

Sunday 4-6 pm: 3/23, 4/6, 4/20, 5/4, 5/18, 6/1  

Monday 11:30 - 1:30pm: 3/24, 4/7, 4/21, 5/5, 5/19, 6/2

Time to Tell offers a scholarship fund for those needing financial assistance. Depending on the current size of the fund and the number of people requesting assistance, scholarships for up to 50% of the Circle fee can be awarded.

After each writing session, the Tech Moderator creates a collage of images reflecting the writing done in that circle. Members are also encouraged to submit images they'd like included.