Honoring Our Voices Workshop

Honoring Our Voices Workshop: October 3, 2020, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Honoring Our Voices: Teen Workshop: October 2nd, 2020, 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Honoring Our Voices: Teen Workshop: October 9th, 2020, 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Join us as we discover what we each have to say. Express, write and share within a supportive group of childhood sexual abuse survivors. 

The workshop format is an amalgamation of two primary activities: writing and reading our writing to each other and trauma informed mindfulness practices. By combining these two activities we move in and out of the myriad of emotions and impressions our experiences have left within us. We develop a greater capacity to stay present and grounded, finding the joy and strength of our true selves.  Common purposes for writing within a supportive group include broadening self awareness, pouring out feelings and emotions onto paper, reclaiming or preserving memories of ourselves, people, and events, sorting out thoughts and clarifying ideas, reaping the wisdom of the unconscious, and finding and hearing our creative voices.

One way we honor each others’ voices is by actively listening to each others’ writing.  This act of listening, in and of itself, confirms and affirms that what each narrator has to say is worthy of our undivided attention.  And when our circle goes one step further to tell the narrator what has stayed with us from a piece of writing they are given the profound message that their voice has been received and heard.

Consider giving yourself and your voice this gift of attention in this workshop.  We are all so worth it.

Learn more today or register below.